Anytime I hear of domestic violent it is usually a man against a women. All we ever hear is that he hit, shot, or beat her. We never ask the question what triggered this behaver. Someone said what different does it made, A man should never hit a woman. Have we considered that verbal abuse can and does causes different people to just lose it. Why isn't the verbal abuser ever told to just walk away? What makes them think there is no consequences for their action?
If we zero in on verbal abuse, it might be possible to stop the violent. What say you.Why isn't verbal abuse included in domestic violent cases?
Hopefully, there will be enough men in America to start a movement of fathers and husbands that have been abused, both physically and verbally.
Court and state related agends leave no room for the men to be victims. About 90-95% of all cases are by default ended with the victims always being the mother or woman.
While there is a high number of victims of physical abuse, the verbal, mental and physical abuse that comes from a woman is rarely allowed as ';abuse';.
After this new case of Bishop Weeks and Juanita Bynum, similar circumstance, hopefully we may see such a fight back of the inbalanced, unfair, screwed up judicial system that regards almost always that ';in the best interest of the child'; it's the mother that is victim and the best choice.
There are women who believe this as well, and applaud the efforts of good men who are falsely accused, and condem other women who go scott free after abusing their husbands. Commendations and hats off to all the women who support what is right and good and just.
We'll see, though.Why isn't verbal abuse included in domestic violent cases?
verbal abuse is hard to prove, it leaves no visible scars.
Its a he said/she said court wants to get into that. They want proof and evidence, words can be taken out of and put into any type of context to suit each individual.
I would say that not everything starts with verbal abuse. Some people hold things in so much and do not know how to deal or communicate and then they blow up one day. But I agree they should have that apart of domestic violence classes and should be more aware of when it starts before it gets to late.
We would have to change our entire society. Begining with the television, movies, and music industries, who all have role models who act like this. Until we decide it is a problem and limit the influx of this into our homes it is only going to get worse. Nice thought though.
Verbal abuse is too subjective and is a whole different issue. Many say mean things in the heat of anger. However a broken bone is another matter.
Life is not about revenge.. which is just another form of abuse.
No one should ever hit anyone.
The consequence is... ';you just lost the best thing in your life';
It is hard to prove verbal abuse. Verbal abuse also does not put the person into immediate danger. It is like Chris Rock says, there is always a reason to hit someone, just don't do it.
well one b/c it is not something the judge can see like the physical abuse.... mental abuse is just as bad if not worse than being hit I think.... I will never forget what my Ex has told me and am now just learnning to forgive him for all those things
Ever year the saying - Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?
Verbal abuse doesn't break your bones or blacken your eyes -- how in the hell can you say verbal ';abuse'; is the reason an abuser attacks? Are we flippin animals? So whenever someone says something that we don't like we are justified in knocking the crap out of them?
That's just sick and warped. I don't care what I ';say'; to my husband or him to me.....neither of us EVER has the right to get physical with the other!
I agree I even think verbal abuse is more painful than physical abuse. The bruises will heal, but your heart and emotions can't if your being verbally abused often. It damages a women's self esteem. It's not considered in domestic cases because you can't take someone or charge them with verbal abuse.Physical is proof of the violence and that's how it's always been. Doesn't make verbal abuse right either!
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